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This La Travesia mezcal chocolate is the result of playing together with our friends at COA. In flavour it's often those that grow together go together. Agave & Cacao are ancient neighbours-in-soil so it's no surprise that this smokey-earthy-fruity union feels like it was made in arcadian heaven.


Spirit-infused chocolate bars is a way to enjoy all the flavours of the spirit without any of the alcohol!

這款La Travesia梅斯卡巧克力是我們與COA合作的結晶。口味上,那些共同成長的元素往往能夠完美搭配。龍舌蘭和可可是古老的鄰居,在土地上相伴相生,因此這種融合了煙燻、泥土和果香的巧克力彷彿是在田園天堂中製作而成的。而將烈酒融入巧克力棒,可以享受到烈酒的所有風味,卻不含酒精成分,讓您能夠盡情領略其醇厚的口感!

COA La Travesia Mezcal Infused Chocolate

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