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A warm hug. Made with cacao husks this unique chocolate infusion brings you the ultimate chocolate aroma without the richness of a hot cocoa. The flavour is chocolatey but more like an infusion. Low in caffeine, it is perfect to enjoy at any time of the day. Cacao tea contains antioxidants believed to soothe the nervous system and protect the heart.


Direction: simply steep in boiling water like you would a loose tea - look for the golden colour!


Ingredients: cacao husks



可可殼茶為您帶來一個溫暖的擁抱。這種獨特且富有创新的朱古力茶採用可可殼製成,為您帶來極致的朱古力香氣,但沒有熱可可的油膩感。味道是朱古力味,口感却如茶般易入口且輕盈。这款可可殼咖啡因含量低,且富含單寧,適合在一天中的任何時間享用。可可茶含有抗氧化劑,可以舒緩神經系統並保護心臟。 使用方法:像泡散茶一樣浸泡在沸水中,等待水變成焦糖色即可享用!




Cacao Husk Tea

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